Monday, September 10, 2007


I've been contemplating the idea for this blog for some time and I begin it with much trepidation! I make no claim to have any answers to the many questions regarding worship and how it.

Yesterday (Sunday), we began a new worship service that is sort of a combination of hymns and choruses. We used guitar, piano, bass, drums. I led (playing piano), with 3 other female vocals (the fact that they're female is irrelevant. It just happened that was who was scheduled to sing). On the whole, the service was executed very well. We sang, read scripture corporately, we took the Lord's Supper (this particular congregation observes the Lord's Supper weekly). The preacher preached, we sang an invitation and dismissed. That Sunday morning we held 2 other services, all three services completlely different, but all were executed without any major problems.

I'm asking myself today, "Was our service successful?" Of all the people with whom I have talked, no one has said, "Jim, that was the worst worship service I have ever experienced! Don't ever do that again!" Okay, I really didn't expect that. But the truth is, measuring the success of worship is subjective at best.

You know, there were some who told me they loved the service, there were others who expressed that it wasn't for them..."too jazzy" was one description from a dissatisfied "customer."

Well, I'm going to explore this idea over the next few days and see what I come up with. I'm open to suggestions.

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